Hi Everyone

This is your girl Tashnee.v.Mavee, i was nominated again for Sunshine Award.I was nominated by Mariam for this award. Her blog touches various aspects which include fashion, health & fitness, inspiration, poetry, makeup, please do visit here

 There are rules to follow for the Sunshine Blogger Award here are the


  • Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


  1. Why did you start blogging?                                                                                                        . I started blogging as a way to get my opinions and content out there. I have many ideas i want to share with other people and the other reason i started blogging is because i am  busy writing a book about journey of my life and to make new friends.
  2. What’s your favourite movie of all time?                                                                              .TITANIC is my best movie ever
  3. If you could give your younger self an advice, what would it be                                     . Everything is going to be ok. You’re going to lose people, get your heart-broken, feel alone, and totally depressed. Nothing is ever permanent, so next time you’re wrapped up in thoughts of how awful everything is – visualize the way you want your life to be.
  4. Describe yourself in three words                                                                                                   . Open-minded, Quick learner, Self-disciplined
  5. How has blogging changed your life?. Blogging helped me to become more vulnerable and put myself out there more. Blogging helped me to grow as a person and being outside of my comfort zone.                                                                                        .
  6. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?                                                           . My Mom, because she is a my hero, a breadwinner, humble, God fearing and not even once i had my mom raise her voice towards my dad.
  7. What post is your favourite blog post and why                                                                       .Do i need expensive clothes to fit in, i love this post because i was a victim of peer pressure. when i was growing up i use to think that life is all about buying expensive clothes,shoes and phones. Everytime i use to get my salary the first thing i use to do is give my mom money for feeding and the rest of my salary i would use it for shopping and after few days i was broke, and counting days to the next paycheck. Four years back i decided to change my life style.
  8. What is the song you absolutely love and will never get tired of                                       .I know the Lord will make a way
  9. What’s your favourite thing to do in this world?                                                                    . Serving the Underprivileged at home and around the world, because i have tested poverty and i dont wish it even for my worst enemy. It may not seem much but at least  i tried to makes a different in someones life by just giving a helping hand.
  10. What would you rather do, Read or Watch TV?                                                                      I am not a TV person so i prefer to read.
  11. What is most important to you?                                                                                                       family is everything to me


  1.  What’s the best thing a blogger can give to his readers?
  2. What has been your strategy for creating visibility to yourself and your blog?
  3. Name some of the bloggers whom you look up to and why?
  4. What do you find most challenging about blogging about your topic?
  5. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
  6. What would be your ideal working environment?
  7. How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
  8. Tell me about your proudest achievement?
  9. What is your greatest achievement outside of blog
  10. What’s your best advice for making money online?
  11. If a kid walked up to asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?


PrincessBlabber –

K E Garland –

AP Young –

His Perfect Timing –

Venorica Marie–

Rhythm in Life –

Dasa Lavric–


Roshonda N.

Don’t Give a Jam –Don’t Give a Jam

Published by Tashnee V Mavee

Fashion stylist , fashion blogger and Lifestyle blogger


  1. Congratulations on another well deserved award!! You are as kind as I thought you were. Your mom is your hero, what a blessing you are to her. Helping those less fortunate, another blessing. God is smiling down on one of His most beloved children today :):) God bless you and your blogs continued success.

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