Journey of my life chapter10

Hi beautiful people this is your girl Tashnee.V.Mavee. Welcome back to my blog I hope you love today’s post.picsart_06-21-086351386806640983227085034766.jpg

I am very sorry for not writing about journey of my life for past few months now. I have been going through a lot this past few months. My family went through a lot this past month but I am fully recovered and ready to continue telling my story.

First I would love to thank 3C Style for helping me to find myself once again. Thank you for all the emails I received from you and thank you for support and giving me a listen ear. May God bless you for me. And thank you to each and everyone of you for being here for me.

Let get back to  journey of life. If you are new follower, I guess you need to read from journey of my life chapter1 so that you don’t get confused . The story continues…

Everything started to fall in place once again. My parents made sure that they work hard to take us to school. On Saturdays my father will take my brother and my mother to go and work in people’s houses just to make some extra money to sustain us.picsart_08-28-081390696420277298875.jpg

While my father and my brother were doing gardening jobs , my mother was cleaning house’s and washing people’s clothes. They will always come back home late and tired. And my mother had to do some house chaos and cook for us. Life for her was hard especially not getting even time to spend with her own kids on weekends.picsart_08-28-017484583880814296250.jpg

On Sunday before she would go to church, she will make sure that she wakes up 5am to wash the house laundry and fix our school books. And after church help us with our school work and prepare dinner. She would sleep 3am just to make sure that she cleans the house  before going to bed. And in the morning she would wake up at 5am each day to prepare us for school. And prepare to receive kids around 6am. Because lots of parents use to drop their kids early in the morning before they go to work. She use to sleep only two hours a day.picsart_08-28-083658304084920530570.jpg

One Saturday morning my parents went out to work for people as usual. My parents left me and my younger sister for my elder brother to take care of us  and they will go and work in people’s farm. I was so hungry and my brother decided to cook porridge for us . So he left the pot on  fire and stepped out to fetch some water, I was so hungry so I couldn’t wait for him to come back, so I reached for the pot and all the porridge poured on me. And I got burned.picsart_08-28-018122849686220862838.jpg

Thank God my face was not bearnt but I stayed with the scare on my left leg. It was another problem on top of the problems they already had. The neighbours rushed me to the clinic and when my parents arrived home late that day they found me in lots of pains, But thank God he made sure I didn’t have a scar on my body only my left leg I stayed with a scar. My mother had to stop working for people for months just to give me attention . Life for her was not so easy like that anymore .

So my brothers and my father took it upon themselves to help her with some house work. Before they could go to bed they will make sure they clean the whole house. Months and years past and she was still doing the same routine sleeping few hours. At the age of nine my mom made sure that we know how to cook and wash dishes so that we could learn how to be independent at the early age.

We never had time to go and play with other kids. Because we had to make sure we learn each and every day how to cook and sweep the house. Because seeing my parents going through all this to make us have a good life thought us that every minute we spend learning was good for us.

At first we use to think they’re abusing us. Because we use to see other kids Playing and going home late. But us we had to be home doing all sort of work and learning new things with our parents. We didn’t even have TV at home to watch movies. We use to sit with our parents listening to radio stories. Some days were better than the other, but sometimes it was difficult.

God’s will for our lives has reason and purpose. It is through scripture, where we can find meaning and principles discerning God’s will. Use these Bible verses to gain a better understanding.
  • Jeremiah 29:11

    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  • 1 Timothy 2:3-4

    3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:18

    18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

To be continued…..

Thank you for stopping by have a lovely blessed daypicsart_12-02-0911889932726614261748101789572.jpg

Published by Tashnee V Mavee

Fashion stylist , fashion blogger and Lifestyle blogger

28 thoughts on “Journey of my life chapter10

    1. Thank you Kurian.Dominique is really a nice person, If it was not for her I will be lying in the hospital because of depression. Her emails reminded me how strong I am. I pulled through because of her wonderful words and advice

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This was such a strong post. So many struggles yet coming out string in relationships and as humans. Its important to be independent no matter wat gender : boy/girl. Amazed with your post. Keep it up 😊👍 keep Glittering, love TGA by Misha 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There is something so special about everyone. Reading their struggles. Thanks for writing about you. Sometimes we think we have faced the worst only to realise that their are people who had worse… Thanks.. Loved the way you write and engage us in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True dear that’s why I tell my story so that maybe I can encourage someone out there not to give up in life. We all face difficulties in life but is up to us how we react to it. I have seen people killing themselves because of poverty or throwing innocent kids on the rubbish because they can’t take care of them. It is heartbreaking. Thank you Zah, for reading my blog. Have a lovely blessed Monday

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